jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2012


"A woman doesn't get attracted to you because you prove to her how attracted to her you are. You can't manipulate her into feeling attraction for you by giving her things or telling her how much she means to you. All you're doing is put pressure on her by showing you are needy. By talking about how attracted you are to her and by showing her how much you like her you're simply driving her away. You're making her feel guilty. You're giving your own power and charisma away. And it makes you unattractive. 

Because she's fond of you she tries to give it a chance and hopes for a miracle that somehow she will feel some sort of attraction for you. But now when she thinks about hanging out with you, all she feels is pressure, uncomfortableness, and guilt because she fears she's going to hurt your feelings. She also feels superior in the relationship, because you're the needy one that wants more from her so she feels even less attraction for you than before because of that"

- Stephan Erdman

viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2012


La primera vez que leí sobre esta fecha fue en algún momento de 2004. Tengo que admitir, no sin un poco de vergüenza, que sucedió de la manera menos académica posible. A mis 13 años y siendo un recién llegado a Internet, me llegué a creer buena parte del timo sobre el Cinturón Fotónico. Pero siendo sincero, siento algo de nostalgia al pensar en aquel joven que esperaba impaciente un evento que suponía cambiar la historia de la humanidad. Pero no deja de asombrarme poder vivir un "reset" de un enorme calendario antiguo.

martes, 11 de diciembre de 2012


Un artista neerlandés  llamado Berndnaut Smilde ha descubierto la manera de crear una nube en el centro de una habitación mediante regulación de humedad, temperatura y luz. Una vez que las condiciones son perfectas, utiliza una máquina de humo para crear la nube.